1935 S. Wabash Ave
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 471-0690
1935 S. Wabash Ave Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 471-0690
On Ramp
All new members start with our OnRamp program, which is four one-on-one sessions with one of our professional trainers. On Ramp begins with a functional movement assessment and body composition screen and includes 4 one-hour sessions where we introduce you to the basics of weightlifting and gymnastics. After On Ramp, you may move into one of our personal training programs or group fitness programs.
Semi-Private Personal Training
If larger group classes are not your thing, but you want your own custom program, semi-private training could be your best choice. With semi-private training one of our trainers will coach you through your custom program, simultaneously with one or two others, and ensure you are moving properly and efficiently and meeting your goals. Beginners are always welcome after completing their On Ramp. Semi-PT sessions are capped at 3 members per training session.
Group CrossFit
If you love the camaraderie of training with other like minded individuals, check out our CrossFit classes. Our expert CrossFit trainers will deliver a world class coaching experience as we teach, see, and correct you in your workouts. Everyone in class will be at a different level of fitness so our coaches will help you modify and scale the workout to your capabilities. Beginners are always welcome after completing their On Ramp. CrossFit classes are capped at 10 members per class.
Sweat Classes
45 minutes of dumbbells and cardio at a pace for all levels of fitness. Sweat classes are capped at 10 members per class.
Transformation Programs
All inclusive programs designed specifically for you based on your goals, ideal timeframe, current fitness level and obstacles you might face along the way. Fitness, nutrition, goal setting and tracking, and accountability coaching will ensure results that last.
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6 Classes Per Month
Unlimited Classes
Unlimited Classes
CrossFit classes
Mon to Fri at 6:00AM, 7:00 AM, 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM
Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00 PM Saturday 8:30/9:30 AM.
by appointment only